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  2. Emburse Certify Receipt Backup

Receipt management

Emburse Certify Receipt Backup

Securely store and manage your expense data within Certify.

person using certify reciept backup

Sleep easy, because Certify has your back

We understand that handling backups and archiving is a pain, so we do the work for you. Every month, Accounting receives a notification that an archive report is ready for downloading onto your corporate network. With a simple click, Certify Receipt Backup provides your company with on-site storage of all expense reports and receipt images that pass through Certify. And you can see who downloaded the backup file and when, making it easy to confirm this step has been completed on a monthly basis.

How does it work?

At the conclusion of each month, a new data archive file becomes available for download. This file contains formatted copies of all expense reports processed in the prior month, as well as all accompanying receipt image files.

Certify’s monthly data archive download service allows your company to maintain permanent local storage of all expense reports and receipt images that passes through Certify. With data archive backups, CFOs can rest assured that all data required for financial audits is ready for inspection, even if your company is no longer using Certify for expense management.

How long does Certify store archive data? Even though Certify allows you to download a copy of data archive backup files, all data continues to be available in Certify for reporting and historical reference. Unless your company requires archive data to be removed, Certify continues to store your data as long as you continue using Certify.

Complete with line item expense approval information, approver comments, and expense inquiries, the data archive file is a powerful tool for supporting the audit process.

Certify receipt backup device display

The Certify app has made expensing on-the-go life changing. Always being in and out of the office, it is so much easier to snap a photo and submit the expense for reimbursement

Enterprise Holdings

Brianna C.

Manager at Enterprise Holdings

Certify has saved countless hours for the AP team and for associates submitting reports. We have more time to focus on upholding our travel policy and making sure associates get a timely and accurate reimbursement.

Garmin International

Kristi Bobek

Accounts Payable Supervisor at Garmin International

The Certify customer service team is unbelievable. They are always willing to help, and I can't remember the last time I had to wait longer than five minutes to hear back!

Zoll Medical

Terry D

AP Supervisor at Zoll Medical

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